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When you take a DNA test, you won’t just get reports about your ancestry, health, and other genetic traits. The company may also provide you with a copy of your raw DNA.
Your raw data file contains all the genetic variants found in your genes. The best DNA tests will let you download it.
Downloading your DNA file is usually a quick process. However, the steps are slightly different for every provider. Below are guides on how to download DNA data from six companies:
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One of the reasons why people download their data is privacy. If you’re not that concerned with your privacy, another good reason to download your data is you can upload it to other DNA services.
After downloading your data, you can secure it by storing it in a device that you own and deleting the raw DNA data from a testing company’s database.
If the company’s terms of service don’t specifically prohibit it, they can use your genetic data for research or raw data analysis, sell it, or share it with third parties as long as it's on their database.
There is a chance your information could be used in ways that are harmful to you. For example, insurance companies or employers might use your DNA test results or family history against you.
It can still happen even if you're protected by the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA).
Unless you opt for the most private DNA testing companies, law enforcement can use your genetic information or family history against you or someone you care about as well.
There have been cases of police officers and criminal prosecutors using DNA data files to locate suspects or their relatives.
Once your data has been used for scientific research or shared with third parties, you won't be able to track down who has accessed it, let alone delete it.
This is why it’s so important to download and delete your data as soon as possible. If you wait, companies might have already sold or shared your information.
You can do several things with your raw genetic data once you have downloaded it. One of your options is to upload your DNA file to genetic companies.
Uploading your data to DNA sites will allow you to gain more insights into your genetic profile.
For example, they can use your raw data to:
Yes! Taking a DNA test does not transfer “ownership” of your DNA to a testing company.
While you give them consent to perform DNA analysis on your submitted DNA samples, your genetic information remains your own. This means you can download and use your data in any way you like.
Most DNA companies will keep your DNA file stored in their database unless you delete it or request to have it deleted.
They will likely continue to use your information to help other members trace their ancestral origins or find potential relatives.
Some genetic services might share your information with third parties without your consent. However, a company that values your privacy will require your permission.
Read the DNA company’s privacy policies to know how they will use and store your data. Only sign the consent form if you’re comfortable with how they handle it.
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Looking for a DNA test that's accurate and can tell you about your health and heritage?