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In This Article
Uncles and nephews typically share around 25% of their DNA.
This reflects the fact that uncles and aunts share roughly 50% of their DNA with their siblings (your parent), and you inherit about half of your DNA from each parent.
However, the actual percentage may vary due to how genes are shuffled during reproduction.
The process of meiosis creates sperm and egg cells. During meiosis, chromosomes swap segments of DNA in a process called recombination, making each genome unique.
Recombination is why even full siblings don't share 100% of their DNA. The resulting variability explains why an uncle and nephew might share slightly more or less than the expected 25%.
Studies show that the percentage of DNA uncles and nephews share can range widely.
One study found that the shared DNA could be as little as 1.7% or as high as 31.8%. Despite this range, the average remains close to the expected 25%.
Sometimes, the percentage of shared DNA falls significantly outside the expected range, which could raise questions about the true nature of a relationship.
When this happens, the uncle getting his DNA tested may have to compare results with the parent, his sibling, instead. This will prove that they share a significant amount of DNA with their sibling, proving uncle status.
While the average DNA shared between uncles and nephews is about 25%, the randomness of genetic inheritance means the actual percentage will vary. This highlights the uniqueness of each individual's genetic makeup.