DNA Testing

DNA Testing

Trace your family tree and ancestry, find living relatives, and discover health risks from the comfort of your home. All it takes is a hair strand or saliva — and the best DNA test kits.


See All DNA Testing Articles

Best DNA Test for Weight Loss (2024)

Best DNA Test for Weight Loss (2024)

Maintaining a healthy weight can be difficult, especially if you're unaware of…
My Personal Family Tree DNA Review: Was It Accurate?

My Personal Family Tree DNA Review: Was It Accurate?

Our verdict: I liked that FamilyTreeDNA had a lot of features that…
Best Native American DNA Test (2024)

Best Native American DNA Test (2024)

Many people are curious whether or not they have Native American ancestry…
Can Ancestry Tests Determine Your Father or Mother?

Can Ancestry Tests Determine Your Father or Mother?

Genetic ancestry tests like 23andMe and Ancestry DNA can provide genetic information…
DNA Testing for Half Siblings

DNA Testing for Half Siblings

More people than ever are using DNA testing to help them find…
What To Do With Your 23andMe Results

What To Do With Your 23andMe Results

Undergoing DNA testing like 23andMe offers many benefits. Once you get your…
How To Test For The Addictive Gene

How To Test For The Addictive Gene

Although there’s no such thing as an addiction gene, there are certain…
How Does DNA Ancestry Testing Reveal Where You're From?

How Does DNA Ancestry Testing Reveal Where You're From?

Tracing your ancestors' origins will involve a systematic approach that begins with…
Can a DNA Test Help Me Find Relatives and Lost Family Members?

Can a DNA Test Help Me Find Relatives and Lost Family Members?

A DNA test can help you find missing family members and other…
Cheap DNA Tests (2024)

Cheap DNA Tests (2024)

Many affordable DNA tests can help you quickly discover your genetic makeup.…
The Best DNA Tests (for Health, Ancestry, and Ethnicity)

The Best DNA Tests (for Health, Ancestry, and Ethnicity)

The offerings from each DNA testing service vary wildly, so it can…
Best DNA Test (2024)

Best DNA Test (2024)

Everything We Recommend AncestryDNA - Best for Finding Out Ethnicity & Ancestry…
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