Our Mission

KnowYourDNAโ€™s mission is to provide accessible, reliable, and useful information about genetics, ancestry, and personalized health.From the comfort of your own home, we aim to give you the power to make informed choices when it comes to your health.

Who We Are

KYDNA is owned and funded by JJBDNA LLC, an informational marketing company that specializes in producing authoritative medical content in various health facets.

All content published on KnowYourDNA is created by our team of trained geneticists, genetic researchers, and medical writers with a shared passion for all things DNA.

All pages and topics on the website are fact-based and sourced from recent scientific research, scholarly articles, textbooks, government agencies, and medical journals.

What We Do

KnowYourDNA is an online guide for those seeking information about genetics, DNA kits, At Home Health, Pet Testing, and other DNA-related material.

We provide DNA testing guides and unbiased reviews based on the newest research studies. Our test recommendations are hinged on scientific breakthroughs as we continue to evolve with the ever-changing industry.

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